Rest & Imagination | Year of Living Lovely Project | December Goals

December is the month where I feel the need to rest the most. The holidays are here, the busyness of the wedding season is complete for the year, and it is time to recoup, relax, and rejoice. The days are getting colder and shorter so my hibernation instincts are at their peak. During sunny weekends I do my best to get outdoors and experience the wonder of winter, yet all week long I stay tucked indoors where I’m buried under layers to keep warm and cozy. It is no mistake that I made December my months for “rest and imagination.” The “rest” portion of my Year of Living Lovely monthly goals is pretty self explanatory. So why imagination? 

When we allow our bodies and our minds to rest, we have an opportunity to enhance our creativity and our imaginations. The end of the year is a time for self-reflection, however, it is also a time for planning out our goals for the following year. We spent our year living out our lives. Many wonderful experiences occurred, we went through some difficult and even heartbreaking times, we survived hardships, and celebrated triumphs. What do you want your life to look like? I include imagination in this process because I believe that each life is unique and that following a cookie-cutter mold or the expectations of others does little to give us fulfillment or happiness. Success and true joy can only be found by knowing ourselves and living how we want to. That takes imagination. 

My three goals for this month are:

One. To create a sense of “hygge” (coziness) at home. During the winter months we spend more time indoors. Our spaces should make us feel comfortable and at home, not cluttered and stressed. Decorate for the winter holidays and make a comfy oasis for yourself. 

Two. Rest. Say no to doing too much. Ban busyness. Only attend the events that spark your interest instead of going to the ones your dread. The holidays are about family, spirituality, and traditions. Get rid of the excess in your schedule that inhibits your ability to enjoy the season. 

Three. Imagine the year ahead. What does it look like? What do you want it to turn into? The future is full of possibilities and if you do not visualize it, you cannot work towards it. When you’re writing our your new year resolutions, think about what will truly bring you joy. What do you want your career to look like? Your relationships with your friends, significant other, family, co-workers, and clients? How do you want to spend your free time? What persona; goals do you want to achieve? The possibilities are only limited by you. 


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