See How Far You Have Come | Year of Living Lovely

Self criticism is so much easier than celebrating how far you have already come. If you have found yourself saying “By now I should have. . .,” let’s change the script. No matter what you do or how long you have been doing it, it can be work, a passion project, or even a hobby; I want you to take a look at your beginning and side-by-side compare it to your now. I promise you have improved. If you have put in any effort, you have taken a step forward in some way. Highlight your accomplishments, not your failings. 

This photo on the left is from a recent bridal portrait session in late 2017 and the photograph on the right is my first wedding back in 2010. They are very similar images, which is why I decided to put them together. Clearly, my style, composition, posing, and editing has indeed improved over the past several years, even though my irrational side is always telling me that I “should do better.” I already am. 

It becomes easier to be kind to yourself when you take the time to appreciate how much you have improved. 

I tend to be overly critical with my own work, especially my photography. I am the first to notice my own mistakes. A wise elementary school art teacher once told me to never point out my mistakes, because most people will not notice them until you do. I believe we also need to remind ourselves to focus on the positives more than the negatives. If you find this task difficult, ask a trusted friend or family member. They are quick to be honest and celebrate your successes. You will learn to appreciate your work from their good judgement.   

I hope that you take the time this month to appreciate how far you have come instead of regret over how far you feel that you still need to go. 


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