Simplicity | My 2023 Word of the Year

For the past few years I have been selecting a “word of the year” instead of a full resolution. Resolutions sound like rules and I don’t need any more rules to live by. In the past I have truly enjoyed making resolutions because I love thinking positively about the future and planning for good things, but these days a word to live by has so much more meaning for me.

My 2022 word of the year was “create.” I wanted to create more in every aspect of my life. I started painting for fun, doing more crafts around the house, trying new recipes and writing more often. I listened to different music and I danced around when I was home alone. I feel that living more creatively has opened so many doorways. I got into candle making and have truly enjoyed it. My husband even thinks I can make it into a side business, although my heart is truly set on having a photography studio.

That being said, thinking more creatively has opened many doorways I didn’t know were there before. For example, I became a board member of the local Art Council in our town government. And when I get my photography studio, it is going to also be my art studio; a place where I can do all sorts of creative photography, paint, host workshops, make candles, and so much more. It doesn’t have to be just for photography. I can use that space to create anything I wish. Living creatively has made me feel more aesthetically myself. I don’t have to fit myself into a little box. I can do all kinds of things.

That brings us to my 2023 word of the year. This year my word is “simplicity.” I know that does not sound exciting, and in some ways it seems the opposite of “create.” However, I feel that this is a natural progression of this past year.

I realized that I was subscribing to forms of success that did not belong to me

I always felt like a failure. Going through the things I have been through held me back in many ways, or at least slowed down my progress. In my younger years I didn’t have the mental tools, the financial freedom, or the loving support to really go for my goals, but it never stopped me. Progress has been slow. I am thankful for what I have accomplished though and I realized that I was subscribing to forms of success that did not belong to me.

Success to me is not about making a lot of money or working very hard all of the time, although I do want to make more money to pay off my student debt and save for a house and travel and even retirement. Those are all good things. But I am financially independent already, even if I don’t realize it sometimes or have not reached all of my financial goals yet. I am doing enough right now. I am enough.

The clutter of these visions for myself and my “success” have been distractions to my real success and have in many ways clouded what I wanted to do with my life. I have been denying myself what I truly want. Earlier this year when clearing out some old papers from my childhood bedroom so my mom could sell her house, I found a notebook with plans for an apple orchard. I have always wanted an apple orchard one day. I never really forgot it, but I have not planned for it in any way. Like that dream was some fantasy I could never have. And certainly, we do not own a house yet and have no yard. But instead of thinking of it as a fantasy, I realized it is something I can work and plan for.

For years I have daydreamed about rescuing some sheep or other farm animals. I have wanted my own photography studio for years and thought it would never happen. I love to take photos and write, especially in my blog, where I have connected with so many wonderful people and kindred spirits. I have come to realize that I need to limit the distractions and the noise and focus on what I want and simplifying has always helped me achieve that.

This year I want to go back to myself, trust my instincts and trust my heart. I would like to pair down all the noise and live more in the moment. I want to cook my meals and enjoy them. I want to take more creative photos and portraits for my blog and for my wedding photography business without feeling like I have to do a million other things all at once. I would like to pay of my debts and save for our home, enjoy more simple moments, spend more time in nature, and spend less time plugged into my electronics.

This year I would like to continue to create and plan for a future that will make me happy, all while living happily and mindfully in the here and now.

So this year I am going back to the basics, following my heart, and simplifying my life. No more time spent doing things my heart says no to. No more rushing place to place every weekend. More time crafting, cooking, creating, and more of the things that make my soul light up. I want to brush out the clutter in my life digitally as well as in my home. In so many ways I wish to go back to the basics; taking care of my human needs, eating a healthy breakfast each morning, getting more greens into my diet, moving more, spending extra time in nature, and nurturing myself and the good relationships in my life. My goal is to have a simple year, or at least to simplify it where I can.

If you don’t have a word for the year, that’s alright. You may wish to consider thinking of one or you can even use mine and experience the journey alongside me. Wishing you a beautiful and simple new year.



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