Slowing Down The Summer | Year of Living Lovely

Summer has been going by so quickly. This month I have been working on slowing it down and nourishing my mind, body, and soul. Some events recently have left me sad, but I know that there is so much in life to be thankful for. A pattern in my life I have always noticed is that when something good happens, something bad happens too. The truth is, life is full of ups and downs. Life reminds me of a stock market chart; when it goes up high it also plummets, but then it goes up again. It never truly evens out. And thats simply life. 

I am working on banning busyness. Being too busy takes its toll on not just the mind, but our bodies too. Migraines, stomach aches, joint pains, and shoulder stiffness are all signs that my mind is experiencing too much. Sometimes I think I take on a lot, even too many good things, as a distraction from feeling the bad. This weekend we were supposed to go away and help a friend sail from Block Island to Connecticut, but I feel the need to be close to home to support family nearby and to support myself. I cannot be out of state when my mind already is. Instead I will be working on some home projects, editing some photos, and maybe going out one morning to a park or beach weather permitting. 

I will read, breath deeply, and meditate. 

I will go for a walk and take in the fresh air. 

At night I will nourish my body with a healthy dinner and take a moment to myself with a relaxing bath and candlelight. I will spend time with my new husband and enjoy his company and conversations. 

This month I am going to take my time and experience all the simple moments that make up my day from my morning tea routine to my nighttime rituals that set me up for a good nights sleep. 

It may seem that a downslide will keep going down, but remember that when it goes down, it will eventually turn up. Sometimes it is easy for me to assume that after every good event there is a bad one to replace it. Perhaps it is truly the other way around; when something bad happens, something good takes its place. 


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