Strong Female Friendships | Year of Living Lovely

I have been blessed with a lovely group of friends in my life. I wanted to discuss female friendships today because when you’re a woman, having strong bonds with other women is so essential. And with friendships, it truly does come down to quality over quantity. I have met my friends over various times and periods in my life from grammar school, to college, my travels, and since creating my own photography business. I am thankful for these connections for so many reasons. Pictured above is a from a ladies luncheon I hosted last August. I have so many lovely friends in my life who are not pictured here. But know that I am thinking of you!  

I truly value my friendships, and I cannot thank all these amazing friends enough. I also have numerous great friendships with some really great guys, but today I am focusing on the ladies because the media likes to give female friendships a bad name. From words like “frenemies” and with movies like Bridesmaids, friendships between women are often portrayed as catty, competitive, or flaky. 

We all know that a true and authentic friendship between women goes way beyond that. Strong female friendships are loyal, authentic, and supportive. 

You know a friend is gold when she takes your call when she is tired late at night and you need someone to talk to. You know a good friend when you haven’t talked in a while, but when you meet up it is as if no time has gone by at all. You know a friend is great when you want to do all you can to be there for her because she is always your strong shoulder to cry on. 

Some of my strongest female friendships are actually within my own family with my sisters, aunts, and cousins. 

With the wedding coming up, I have been in super planning mode and running in all directions. I feel badly because I have not been able to give as much time to my friends as I wish I have. They have all been wonderfully understanding and supportive of all the planning I have been doing. These friends are the ones you truly want your whole life through. 

So for this month for my Year of Living Lovely Project, I want spend time appreciating my friends. Even though I have not been the best about keeping in touch on a regular basis the past few months, they have been there for me every step of the way. I want to be better about making time, even for just a quick hello. 

I want to dedicate more time to being a better friend. 

And if you feel that your own friendships are not where they ought to be, dedicate more time to being the kind of friend you wish to have. 

Sometimes it is easy to blame others when friendships are failing. And indeed, some friendships do fizzle out as people grow and change. Some friendships turn toxic. But when you have something good, make sure that you take the time to nurture that friendship. People make mistakes, they get busy, and life happens. But you always have power over your own actions. 

During my freshman year of college I made a vase in a pottery class. On the side I used a stencil to paint on a quote about friendship and this quote has been a lovely force for my friendships over the years. “Friends are flowers in the garden of life.” Friendships bring so much positivity to our lives. 

May you always have mutual love and support within your circle of friends. 



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