Summer Spending Detox | Live Lovely

The wedding and the honeymoon was incredible,  but now money is a smidge tight. You might know the feeling. We’re not big spenders, but in a way it felt like binge spending this past month. (A month straight of paying off wedding vendors, unplanned plane tickets, unexpected travel expenses, expensive Uber rides, tourist activities, dining out, and being overcharged for a car rental we didn’t even get to accept.) Yea, it has been a busy month, but very worth it. 

On the plane ride home Matthew and I talked about our finances (I know, very romantic, right?), but it had to be said. We’re not going to be spending any money this summer. We have to recoup a little bit (or a lot). Thankfully, summer is the best time of year to not spend money and still have a fabulous time because there is so much you can do for free. 

However, we did agree to buy just one item: a beach umbrella (which I already bought for only $15) because Matthew tends to burn in the sunshine. 

Every time there is an expensive moment in my life (unexpected vehicle repair, doctor bill, being a wedding guest, etc.) I have found that going on a spending detox not only keeps my bank account balance from dwindling, it also increases my appreciation for what I have, builds my creativity for having fun and spending time with loved ones, and puts life into a better perspective. I have also realized that I spend less when I am happy because I do not need material items to soothe my emotions. The best things in life truly are free. 

How Can I Do This Myself?

Simply make the decision to spend less or not at all. The rules are up to you. Make your meals and pack your lunch over buying food out. Opt for free activities such as a day at the beach over expensive day trips to amusement parks or resorts. Play a game outside with friends instead of joining a league. Have an outdoor movie night in your back yard instead of going out to the movies. Get creative. 

I talk about spending bans frequently on the blog, but every time I’m in a bind, save for finding ways to make more funds, spending bans (even short term) have a big impact on my financial health. I have an entire list of free summer activities to dive into this summer, but I would love to hear some of your best free summer activities. Leave a comment below with your favorite summer activities that don’t dent your bank account. 



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