Surround Yourself With Happy | Year of Living Lovely

I am going to be partaking in a social experiment of sorts. I am planning on surrounding myself with only happy things for the duration of a week. I know that this sounds unrealistic or perhaps silly, but I have a prudent reason. I have been in an emotional slump lately. Too much stress and too little sleep is a terrible combination. I’ve been getting migraines and feeling exhausted and sometimes sad for no reason in particular. At some moments I’m feeling downright depressed. I was driving and listening to music I loved and the sun was shining, but I was feeling badly in that moment when I should have been feeling a sense of happy or calm. I’m an adult so therefore I can make decisions for myself that impact my daily life. I can choose to be happy. Life is what I make it, so why was I making it feel this way?

I know that life is unpredictable, and sometimes our emotions are too. Sometimes people truly need professional help to feel better. We cannot control every outside source. Other times, we simply need a mindset change. Sure, I was in a slump, but I could climb out of it if I chose to. So I decided to do so. 

For the next week I will be going on a digital detox; no television shows at night with my husband, limited social media interaction for only blog and business related usage, and a set schedule of when to use my phone. 

Instead of being plugged in, I will exchange those moments for simple moments at home like reading before bed and going for walks in nature. I will listen to more music, declutter the paper clutter I have been putting off, and making sure I get enough rest. 

But most of all, I will be surrounding myself with only the things, people, and activities that make me happy. 

Instead of reading the news I will read a positive article.

Instead of a sad story I will focus on books with happily ever afters.

Instead of sad songs I will focus my energy on uplifting music in the mornings.

Essentially, I will only surround myself with positive people and activities for one entire week. This is not possible to do for a lifetime, but a week-long negativity detox might be just what I need. A week form now I will check in and tell you about my progress and how the week has impacted my day. 



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