Ten Fun, Free, or Affordable Day Trips You Can Enjoy This Summer

I’m on a tight budget this summer after splurging on a beautiful wedding and memorable honeymoon. Still, I like to go out, explore, and have fun all summer. Even before my wedding I have loved researching fun and free activities for summer. These are my top ten favorite summertime activities that are either free or at least very affordable. 


1. Free outdoor concerts. In the summer time, you will be amazed how often you can find free concerts. Most town greens, gazebos, or parks, have a summer concert series. You can Google search for them in towns near you. 

2. A day at the beach. Of course, this one is only doable if you have a beach within a few hours drive away, but a day at the beach does not always mean by the ocean. Chances are, if you look for it you may find a great local beach by a lake or a river near you. 

3. Lazy river water tubing. Again, this one only works if you have access to a river. All you need to enjoy this daytime activity is a tube (and a life vest for small children). Just make sure the entire river where you will be does not have strong rapids, waterfalls, or dangerous patches of rocks. There are also many companies that offer safe tubing options. You can even find some man-made lazy rivers. 

4. Go for a hike. This one is always free and always wonderful. No matter how many times you have been to the same park, a hike in nature is a great mood booster and good for your health. Try an old favorite trail or discover some place new. 

5. A picnic. Hands down, this is my favorite summer time activity. You can have a picnic almost anywhere from your back yard to a park or even the beach. Grab a basket, head out to the market or your local deli and drive off to a new picnic spot. 

6. Go on a road trip to a local town that you have not seen before. This is fun! Really, have you ever looked at a map and saw a funny town name that is close to home, but you have never heard of before? I live in a small state and I’m always hearing about towns I have never heard of before. Go for a drive and be a local tourist. Check out the main street, the shops, the parks, and the neighborhoods. 

7. Visit your local library, or make an excursion out to your state library. This one is great year round for books, audio tapes, movies, and even public events and activities. 

8. Camp outside. Camping in the summer is fun and affordable. If you don’t own a tent, chances are someone you know does and you can borrow it. All you’ll really need is a tent, a few blankets, a pillow, food, and a flashlight. Don’t forget your supplies to make s’mores. 

9. Visit a local farm. Local farms make fun day trips, especially if you have children travelling with you. Go on a tour, see the animals, learn how they make what they do, or pick food that is in season like berry picking.  

10. Have an outdoor art trip with a sketchbook or some watercolor paint. Get on your artsy side and go for a nature art excursion. Bring along your favorite art tools or perhaps just a coloring book and some pencils and have fun.  


What are some of your favorite, free, or affordable summer day trips and activities? I would love to hear all about them in the comments below. Please share this post with anyone you know who is looking for some affordable fun this summer. 


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