Ten Simple Ways To Make Mornings Count | Year of Living Lovely

Without a doubt, taking control of your mornings is the best way to take control of your day. The way we start our days is often how we end them, so being exhausted, rushed, or stressed in the morning puts us in danger of carrying those feelings with us all day long. I’m no stranger to exhaustion or depression so I know that I have to be extra careful not to fall into a negative trap in the morning or it can impact my entire day for the worse. My mornings are my time; my time to recharge, my time to relax, my time to be creative, and my time to be productive. How I spend my time is completely up to me, but I always know the best way is when I put my mental care first. These are my top ten ways that I improve my day by making my mornings count.


Create a night routine to ensure that I am prepped for the day ahead. This routine usually consists of putting together an outfit and my supplies for the next day’s activities and getting to bed at a decent time to get a full night’s rest. 


Have a set bed time and wake up time every day to create a healthy sleeping habit. Make sure you get enough time for you so that you do not feel tired during the day. 


Wake up to a music alarm instead of an obnoxious beep. This one is my personal favorite because it instantly improves my day. 


Start the day with water or tea. Hydration is key to prevent grogginess and to improve brain function first thing in the morning. 


Eat a healthy breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, even though I’m usually not very hungry when I immediately wake up, I know that eating even just a small breakfast snack will jump start my metabolism and give me energy for the morning. 


Do a peaceful activity first thing to increase my mood and protect my wellbeing. For me, this is usually a short ten minute meditation or reading a chapter of my latest book. 


Fifteen minutes of a healthy activity is a good habit to get into. Whether you like to go for a morning run, walk, a visit to the local gym, or a home work out of your choosing, getting moving really jumpstarts my day. When its chilly the last thing I want to do is get out of my warm bed, but this helps warm me up and when I work out at home I can do it in the comfort of my favorite warm pajamas. 


Cross one thing off your to-do list. This does not have to be a big task, but if you complete one thing off your to-do list it will have a snow ball effect, making you more productive as well as give you less to stress over later. 


Listen to music. This is above all my favorite way to start my day. A good playlist gets me in the best mindset. 


Don’t wait last minute to get dressed and ready for the day. After a short workout or some short time to myself, I like to get ready a while before I have to leave for work or do my daily tasks because it makes me feel more prepared and less rushed. 


How do you make your mornings count? I would love to hear about your favorite morning routines and activities in the comments below. The next time you notice your day is not going well, think back to how you spent your morning and see if making a few simple changes can impact your day for the better. 


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