The Life Changing Beauty & Self Care Habits I Adopted Over The Past Year

Over the past year my beauty and body habits have evolved as my skin and hair starts to change with age (and stress). I have also learned a lot about self care this past year. My mental state has also evolved as I have built up my depleted self-esteem and learned valuable life lessons in self respect, compassion, and love. I want to share with you the best of the beauty, mind and body habits I have learned and adopted into my daily/weekly routine over the past year.

These are the habits that have had the most impact on my skin, my hair, my health, and my happiness. I truly believe these healthy and natural habits have made a lasting change to my body and my health and improve the quality of our lives over time. Some of these habits I already had in part and have altered this year while others are completely new to my routine, but have already had a large effect on my health and my life. It is quite the comprehensive list, but I promise that each and every item on this list has had a positive impact on my life in some way. I hope at least a few will serve you just as well.

Meditation -I never realized how magical meditation could be as a beauty balm. Truly, I already knew and appreciated its impact on my mental health and keeping my anxiety to a minimum. I’m not going to go into detail about all of the incredible mind and body effects of meditation, but I will tell you that it is an anti-aging secret that everyone should know about. Not only does it calm stress, which is a big factor in early aging and disease, but it also changes the grey matter in your brain; the part of your brain that ages your mind and your body. You can extend your mental health, your memory, your brain’s aging, and your body’s aging through meditation. Meditation can also aid in the preservation of your telomeres; the ends of your DNA that protect your cells, which causes aging as they wither over time. Isn’t the brain incredible?

Prebiotics & Probiotics -I never knew until earlier this year how big an impact your gut health has on your overall mental and physical health. This is one of my newest daily habits. There is much to say, but the short version is that having proper gut health and balance in the bacteria levels of your gut, can improve your mental well being, limit your cravings for bad foods, and decrease bloating. Taking prebiotics and probiotics together every morning has had the biggest impact on my belly bloat as well as the way I feel about my body. I thought it was normal to be bloated by the end of every day, but that simply isn’t so. Since my teen years I would bloat an inch or up to several inches by the end of the day. Pants that fit in the morning would barely button by the end of the day. This thankfully doesn’t happen to me as much since taking prebiotics and probiotics every morning with a glass of water.

Letting go of that which harms us -People make mistakes and we sometimes hurt one another. Learning when to forgive or apologize is essential for human relationships, but there is something else we’re not often taught, and that is how to walk away from someone who is repeatedly and systematically emotionally abusing you. Abuse, especially emotional abuse, comes in many forms. We’re taught to keep returning to the people we love or are related to, no matter what because that is “what families do,” or “because friends should always forgive one another,” but this can sometimes cause us much more harm. Essentially, I became a doormat and experienced repeated abuse. The first time something really bad happened they said they were sorry and took me out for a family dinner. Sound familiar? Then it happened again. And again. And then all the time. Eventually they stopped being sorry and started to blame me for their wrongs. A healthy family or friendship will not repeatedly harm you, manipulate you, and then deny their behavior and blame you for it. That is abuse. There is a difference between forgiving someone who made a mistake and returning to an abusive cycle that never ends. Real families and friends to do abuse their loved ones.

When a person is intentionally causing you harm and doing so over and over again, only you can break that cycle and protect yourself. It is one of the hardest things to walk away from because the episodes of abuse and then love bombing come in waves that become addictive or make us question ourselves and our reality. Sometimes there are good moments that make us question the bad, but then it takes a turn again. We are often told by the abuser that it is our fault when it is not. You are not to blame and you do not ever deserve to be treated badly. No matter how you are connected to that person, whether they are a relative, a co-worker, a boss, or a long term friend, you do not have to stay by them.  Learn to let go when you have to, protect yourself, heal, and practice self-compassion. It is one of the best things an emotionally abused person can do in order to survive, heal, and thrive again. Your body, your health, and your mental state are all connected. To learn more, watch Dr. Ramani’s YouTube videos on emotionally abusive relationships and covert narcissism.

Micellar water -Forget about harsh makeup removers and strong toners; Burt’s Bee’s rose micellar water is now my daily cleanser. I use it every evening to remove makeup and cleanse my face. Since switching to micellar water last year I haven’t had any breakouts. I only use stronger cleansers once in a while for a deeper cleaning. This simplified my routine.

Body brushing -This sounds weird, I know, but it turns out to be one of the best beauty and wellbeing hacks I have learned this past year. Have you seen those wooden brushes with the soft brissels? (Most likely in your grandparent’s bathroom.) That, my friends, is a body brush. The name says it all. On dry skin (NEVER on wet skin), you gently brush and exfoliate your skin by lightly rubbing the brush on your body in small circles. Starting at your feet, work your way up, then your arms, and your chest, back, and center last. Don’t brush hard enough to cut your skin or give yourself a rash. This isn’t just to exfoliate, it does have a much greater purpose. Body brushing helps flush your body’s lymphatic system, helping your body clear toxins.. You might notice a tingle and better breathing the first time you do a full body brush. Even better, it also helps your body look more toned and reduces cellulite.

Proper scalp care -I was losing my hair from stress by the end of last year. I was terrified that it might not grow back. I was thinning at my temples and had bald spots in the back.  Meditation and other stress management tools helped significantly, but I also had to improve my scalp care. I started taking vitamins specifically for hair and skin and I researched ways to reverse alopecia. With my anxiety came depression and that kept me from washing my hair as often as I should. It turns out that the build up of hair products, skin cells, and natural oils from your hair can clog hair follicles, cause hair to fall out, and over time will prevent hair from going back completely. So I researched ways to clarify and clean my scalp. I now use an apple vinegar rinse once a week to clarify and I treat my scalp with Pacifica’s scalp treatment the night before I plan on washing my hair. Another key factor to my scalp regimen is Just Nutritive’s Grow New Hair serum. I put a little bit onto my fingertips at night and massage it into my scalp and bald spots to encourage new hair growth and give my scalp a massage. It is not a miracle cure, but it really does work. This also keeps my scalp from becoming dry.

Shampoo and conditioner as hair food -Hair care was a big theme at the end of last year through this spring. Before I thought most shampoos were the same; some were just more drying or clarifying than others. How wrong I was. The best shampoo and conditioner for your hair type is food for your hair. Your hair needs proper hydration and nutrients to remain strong and healthy. I started using a shampoo bar, that did the job just fine, but left my hair extremely dry and frizzy. My hair stopped curling is some spots altogether. When I ordered the Just Nutritive Grow New Hair serum it came with a sample of their Hair Therapy shampoo and after a few uses I was amazed by the look of my hair. It was curling properly again, it wasn’t dry or frizzy, nor was it oily at the top. I ended up ordering a whole bottle with the corresponding conditioner. Proper hair care products is a game changer. If your hair is too dry, too oily, too frizzy, or too limp then it could be your shampoo and conditioner. Some people don’t need conditioner at all or can go long periods of time without using a shampoo. Learn your hair type and experiment with washing methods and products until you find what works for you.

A natural night cream aimed at preventing aging -I have used night creams every night since I was twelve. Its a beauty secret that my grandmother taught me when I was very young and she has fabulous skin at eighty. Sun protection and moisture is what skin needs to stay youthful and beautiful. Over the past few years Burt’s Bees has been my favorite brand, but I wasn’t paying attention to aging until recently. I noticed over the past two years that my skin was becoming less oily and I had developed a fine line on my forehead and a few tiny lines under my eyes. I’m not afraid of wrinkles and I won’t go to extremes to stop them, but I do want to prevent early signs of aging by taking good care of my skin. Not wanting to go to extreme measures, use harsh chemicals and retinals, or pay for expensive products, I decided to switch up my night cream. I started using Burt’s Bees Renewal Firming Night Cream with hibiscus and apple a few weeks ago and the results have been better than I could hope for. My skin doesn’t feel dry anymore, but rather soft and dewey. My fine lines are nearly invisible. What fine lines? Although I know they’ll make a come back some day, I don’t want that to be before I’m even thirty.

Clay face masks -Face masks detoxify your skin, clean pores, and even skin tone. You don’t want to use these too often as they can become drying to your skin, but I do find them to be worth it for a once or twice a week treatment. You might have heard the hype about Asarai Australian red clay face masks. I didn’t pay attention to them for ages although I had been sent many ads on my phone. But this year I decided to go for it because I was looking for a face mask to pamper myself and I wanted to go with an all natural one. What else is a girl quarantined at home to do? Asarai fit the bill perfectly, plus after extensive online review searching, I was happy with what I was hearing. Although a bit pricey, I have to say that this mask is worth it. It is extremely lightweight and doesn’t feel cakey like most clay or mud masks. It did not dry out my skin, but rather cleansed and moisturized it. It worked beautifully, although it is very difficult to wash off and could stain your clothes if you’re not careful. Face masks aren’t just for sleepover parties any more. Add one to your weekly self care routine and you’ll have clear and brilliant skin.

Cream makeup instead of powders -After the Wonder Woman film came out, I read a short article with an interview of Gal Gadot’s makeup artist for the film. She said that she wanted Wonder Woman to look youthful and naturally beautiful so that people saw her instead of the makeup she was wearing. For that, she said she went with creamy products instead of powders. She said this makes skin look natural, dewy, and doesn’t cake into fine lines or wrinkles like a powder would. I stopped using my face powders and switched to cream based instead, including my blush. She was right! My skin looked less dried out, more natural, and my skin appeared younger and healthier. As a wedding photographer, I also notice a big difference when photographing brides who have had their makeup done with heavy powders vs. cream based makeups.

Tongue scraper -I know this sounds gross! It really does. But my new tongue scraper has been a game changer. Due to stress and hormonal changes. I have a tongue condition called universal tongue. That is when you get red or “bald” patches on your tongue that come and go when you’re stressed or facing hormonal changes and can be painful like a rash at times. A healthy tongue should be light pink and blemish free. Although stress is often the main cause, poor hygiene can contribute to the condition. The tongue scraper didn’t cure it completely as my cause is often hormonal based, but it did improve my overall oral health in numerous ways. I now have less breakouts of the condition, my tongue appears pink and healthy, my taste has improved, and the best part is that I don’t have terrible morning breath anymore. A blessing my husband is very thankful for!

Yoga -Much like meditation, yoga has become a new part of my routine. It is wonderful for the body and the soul. Mostly, I have noticed a more centered state of mind and better flexibility. My body also feels much stronger and toned. This is an inner and outer beauty booster.

Face roller -Don’t believe the hype. I know that I am here recommending a face roller (most commonly used are jade rollers, but I prefer a rose quartz), but I’m not recommending them for the reason they’re often admired for. They don’t really make a difference in face toning. They are believed to diminish wrinkles and tone your face by helping your body drain your lymphatic system, which might be true, but it doesn’t make much of an impact if any that I have noticed. What I love them for the most is my stress. I tend to clench my jaw and hold tension in my forehead and facial muscles. This roller helps me relax those muscles greatly, soothing the tension. Yet, it is also a great depuffing tool when placed in a freezer because a cold compress is effective, even if rolling isn’t.

Letting my hair go grey -Yup, I’m going to do this eventually. I’ve had a few silver strands around my temples since college and they always come back when I’m stressed. It wasn’t until lately that they’ve stuck around for good. In fact, since last December they started popping up all over. I call it my tinsel. I dyed my hair a few times as a teen and shortly after college. I have tried a deep auburn, dark purple, and even black. But After the age of twenty-three I decided not to any more. I figured that I only had so long with my natural dark brown before I would “have to” dye it. Turns out now that I’m older, I don’t believe I “have to” do anything. My hair still has a long while before it goes all grey, but I don’t want to become a slave to the dangerous chemical process of constantly dying my hair and touching up the roots. It’s simply not for me. When the time comes, I want to embrace my natural color, no matter what that color turns into.

Extra sunscreen under my daily spf tinted face lotion -I wear sunscreen all year long. But lately, I’ve started adding an additional layer of sun protection in the form of Sun Bum’s tinted mineral face sunscreen. I discovered the brand last summer and loved how easy it was to put on, especially under makeup. It’s super sheer, blends beautifully, and also works as a magnificent makeup primer when needed. Of course, when summer comes around I’ll be adding something more heavy duty for outdoor excursions, but I’m really happy with this new change.

SPF lip balm -I always protect my skin, but my lips aren’t always as protected from the sun. I started using an spf lip balm every time I drive my car or go out.

Hand lotion -My hands get so dry and I get really bad cracked fingernails and hang nails. I decided to start treating the skin on my hands as I would the delicate skin on my face. I now use a deeply moisturizing hand lotion or body oil before bed, just like I do for my face.



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