The Little Things No. 14

The little things really do add up, which is why every Friday I end the week on a positive note with appreciation for the little things in my life that make up a greater sense of joy.  I hope you join me today in appreciating the good, no matter how small.

Because this is about appreciation rather than perfection, I’m not only including my professional quality photos, but some cellphone snaps as well. You can expect to see a more candid look into my life every week with my The Little Things blog posts every Friday.


Dear Friends,

How are you doing this week? Here in Connecticut we had a lovely warm start to the week and we’re expected to get snow this evening. Springtime in New England is always full of surprises. Many of the flowers are starting to disappear and others are taking their place as the leaves on the trees really start to sprout. By next week I’m hoping that the hills in the valley will start to look green and fluffy again. It is amazing what just a little bit of color can do to brighten one’s mood.

After all the rain last Saturday we saw the most beautiful double rainbow. It’s so amazing that rainbows exist. I really wanted to enjoy this past weekend outdoors when the weather hit 79 degrees Fahrenheit this past Sunday, but it was so very crowded that I didn’t stay at the park. This time of year I’m always going to parks like Kettletown on Lake Zoar and they’re nearly empty. I’m used to having quiet time in nature all to myself. Yet, this weekend the parks were more packed than I have ever seen them, even on summer holiday weekends. I know that there is no where else to go with everything closed, but I was really disappointed and dismayed with peoples complete lack of respect and social distancing. Garbage, gloves, and masks left on the ground. Groups of more than ten people gathering around without masks or a care in the world. We know someone who went out like this for a big group hike this weekend, only to find out this week that several members of that group just tested positive for Covid-19. Now the rest of them are all being quarantined. Just because the weather is turning nice doesn’t mean we can act like nothing is going on. So instead I called up my aunt and asked her if I could spend the afternoon by the lake behind her house.

Matthew was finishing his finals all weekend so I spent most of the time by myself. I had a jumble of emotions from feeling very sad to being extremely happy. Getting outside alone to read by the lake really helped. I grew up on Lake Zoar so that is what home really feels like to me.

This weekend is Mother’s day, but with the weather acting as it is I’m afraid we’re going to have to reschedule our social distancing visit for another day. I hope that all the mothers out there have a lovely day and that the people out there missing mothers know just how loved they are.


These are the little joys I am thankful for this week:


This park near my apartment. Right behind the town fire station there is the cutest little park by the river. The daffodils are now fading, but the cherry blossom tree was in full bloom this week. So lovely!

This gorgeous double rainbow (cell phone snap taken from the passenger seat of my car as we were driving).

Reading out by the water. I don’t know when we’ll have a nice warm day like this again so I took full advantage.

Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. There is a long list of children’s books I never had the opportunity to read as a kid. Anne of Green Gables is a really lovely book and I’m enjoying it so much.

This lovely “Ancient Greek Remedy” oil by Greek Bliss. My cousin Jessie sent me this bottle in the mail and I was so surprised and delighted. We both share a love for natural and organic products as well as skin care. Her gift was so incredible thoughtful and I love using it every day. I now put in on my face every night before bed and on my dry hands throughout the day. So beautiful and I love the results!

More spring flowers. I keep seeing them everywhere and they make me so unbelievably happy. What are your favorite spring flowers?


What are you thankful for today?


With appreciation,




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