The Little Things No. 16

The little things really do add up, which is why every Friday I end the week on a positive note with appreciation for the little things in my life that make up a greater sense of joy.  I hope you join me today in appreciating the good, no matter how small.

Because this is about appreciation rather than perfection, I’m not only including my professional quality photos, but some cellphone snaps as well. You can expect to see a more candid look into my life every week with my The Little Things blog posts every Friday.


Dear Friends,

Connecticut is starting to open up this week, but with cases of Covid-19 still on the rise, it doesn’t feel so right. Just this week there were “only 200 new cases in Connecticut,” according to the local news, but only 700 people were tested so that is roughly 30% of tested people. Believe me, I wish more than anything to continue life as normal. I wish to return to my favorite park without the crowds, to be able to eat at my favorite places, hang out with friends, and travel. More than anything, I wish everyone were healthy and safe. So even though phase one of Connecticut’s reopening plan has begun, I’m still laying low for a while and avoiding crowds and airports.

Thankfully the weather is taking a turn for the better so I have been spending as much time outdoors as possible. On cold or rainy days I rewatch my favorite films and pursue new recipes and creative ideas. I’ve been catching up on reruns of the Mary Tyler Moore Show. The theme song is just my favorite!

We’re also planning a road trip for this summer with a couple of friends. Since our destination wedding trip to Italy this summer has been postponed for next year, we both already had the time off of work. I’ve always wanted to go for a Route 66 trip, especially for my 30th birthday (this summer), but since we’re going with a small group we’re going to only do a part of Route 66 so we can fit in other destinations for everyone’s wish list places. I’m really excited, but doing my best not to over-plan with my anticipation. Which is why I’m only planning out our stops from Nashville through Route 66 (we’ll be getting on in Amarillo, Texas and ending the route in Santa Fe, New Mexico before driving north into Colorado and Utah. Maybe ending in Utah if we have the time. Have you ever gone on a road trip?

This week I didn’t take many photos, but I am happy to share the little things that made my week.


One. Gua sha. I bought a rose quartz gua sha tool last week and I’ve been using it every night since getting it. I never imagined I would love it so much! Not only does it relax the tight muscles on my face and shoulders, it really does make my skin look rejuvenated and more toned.

Two. The extra sunlight now coming in through my windows.

Three. New England in the spring time. All the leaves are fully in now (just last week they were only beginning to bloom). I love the beauty of the small towns with all the leaves and flowers. -The rivers, the gazebos, the old homes, all of it.

Four. Memorial Day weekend. I’ll miss the annual parades this year, but the day itself is not about the celebrations, but the people we remember who fought for us. I never had the opportunity to meet my paternal grandfather as he passed before I was born, but he was a war hero in the Korean War. I always think of him this time of year.


What are you thankful for this weekend?


With appreciation,



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