The Little Things No. 17

The little things really do add up, which is why every Friday I end the week on a positive note with appreciation for the little things in my life that make up a greater sense of joy.  I hope you join me today in appreciating the good, no matter how small.

Because this is about appreciation rather than perfection, I’m not only including my professional quality photos, but some cellphone snaps as well. You can expect to see a more candid look into my life every week with my The Little Things blog posts every Friday.


Dear Friends,

It has been such a heartbreaking week in the United States between the pandemic spreading and the devastating death of Geogre Floyd. My heart is just breaking. Trying to help, my husband often tells me overthinking things or talking about things we cannot change doesn’t help, but I do have to politely disagree. I think more of us should be talking about it. That is how change begins.

That being said, I know that my weekly Friday posts about the little things is supposed to be a space for gratitude and lightness. There is just so much in the world to process and focusing on the good takes more strength some days more so than others. Focusing on the good does not erase or diminish the bad. -But we do have to have both in perspective because like yin and yang, life is full of highs and lows and differences of all kinds and they exist together.

This week I am thankful for several little things…

For my wonderful friends.

For the couples that entrust me with their wedding photography. I know it is such a difficult time for anyone trying to get married right now.

I am thankful for the lilacs.

They’re one of my favorite spring flowers. I’m so thankful to them because the daffodils are now all gone and these beauties are here for now. I love how they perfume the air and you can even smell them from very far away. It must be one of the most beautiful smells in all the world. One day when I have a home, I would love tp plant lilac trees outside my kitchen window so I can open up the window and let in the beautiful smell of lilacs.

I am thankful for green tea with honey, which I drink every day to start my day.

I am thankful for the fairytales that ignited my imagination as a child and keep me dreaming as an adult.

For puff sleeves! I know this is a silly one, but I’m loving a dainty and feminine puff sleeve right now. I feel like they are a celebration of femininity, which is too often put down or criticized.

For long drives with Matthew.

He loves to drive and explore and together we find the most magical places, often just along the road to see a fantastic view or windy road. We’re planning our next vacation as a US road trip this summer.

I have gratitude for all the green “fluffy” leaves coating the trees of New England right now. They’re a happy sight.

I’m thankful for nature and the beautiful creatures we share this world with. Like this big black bear strolling along the street. I hope for his sake that we can preserve our lands and protect the planet.

What little things are you thankful for this week?


With appreciation,








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