The Little Things No. 34

The little things really do add up, which is why every Friday I end the week on a positive note with appreciation for the little things in my life that make up a greater sense of joy.  I hope you join me today in appreciating the good, no matter how small. I will also be sharing links from time to time about things that are inspirational, funny, beautiful, or important.

Because this is about appreciation rather than perfection, I’m not only including my professional quality photos, but some cellphone snaps as well. You can expect to see a more candid look into my life every week with my The Little Things blog posts every Friday.


Dear Friends,

I find myself posting late on a Friday night. I’m tired. With four weddings back to back plus my day job and everything else I could use a day off. I’m glad the office is closed on Monday. Do you have Monday off from work too?

I’m so tired, not just physically. This election has me so exhausted. Perhaps you can relate? I would like to see America become kinder and more compassionate. I would like to live in a country where racism is not accepted, human rights were the end goal, and kindness wins. I’m not sure if we can get to that to be honest. Matthew and I have been wanting to live in France for a while now. He is still working on school, but we tinkered with the idea of moving earlier than expected if things go further downhill. I’m sad this week too. One of my best friends moved to Chile several years ago, but now her family is selling their U.S. properties for good and they’re not planning on coming back. I don’t blame them. In fact, I wish I could join them. They’re not the only people I know jumping this sinking ship. I know that is not the best solution. The United States needs kindhearted, educated, and empathetic people. If we all left, like so many already have, what then? I love the good parts of the United States. I adore our museums, contributions to art and music, our food, and the diversity of landscapes and cultures. But like a bad relationship, I find myself wanting to go low-contact for a while. Just some thoughts at the end of a difficult week. I’m tired. I think we all are.

I hope you’re holding up ok. I wish I could say all of this will end on November 3rd, but I think it is just the beginning. It is going to be a long winter. So take care of yourself this week.

These are the little things that made my week:


The wellness aisle at New Morning Market, a natural grocery store that I enjoy.

Mini pumpkins everywhere this week.

Doing my grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s. Shopping here feels less overwhelming because it is such a small store with all of the essentials and some creative items as well. Shopping here is less stressful than a big grocery store and actually makes grocery shopping fun again.

Trader Joe’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar drinks. These help my gut feel good.


Their chai tea mix. I’m having this every morning when I get into work. So cozy and comforting for fall. At the moment I need every little comfort.

Relax and Restore tincture by Maine Medicinals. 20-30 drops in my tea and I am as calm as can be. This stuff works and has been a natural and healthy saving grace this week, keeping me calm when I feel anxious.


What little things are you appreciative of this week?


With appreciation,




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