The Little Things No. 4

The little things really do add up, which is why every Friday I want to end the week on a positive note by appreciation for the little things in my life that make up a greater sense of joy.  I hope you join me today in appreciating the good, no matter how small.

Because this is about appreciation rather than perfection, I’m not only including my professional quality photos, but some cellphone snaps as well. You can expect to see a more candid look into my life every week with my The Little Things blog posts every Friday.

“Never underestimate the power
of a simple smile, a kind word
or the acknowledgement of another.
Little gestures can move mountains.”
― David Cuschieri


This week I actually caught the flu from my husband. I did my best not to catch it; we slept separately, I used hand sanitizer, we kept a safe distance, and I didn’t touch my face, but I still got it. Thankfully, I don’t have a fever or the chills, but the effect is still pretty awful. I know that for many people the flu is a very dangerous threat. This week I’m simply very thankful for my loving husband and for having access to medicine like the Bronchaid I needed earlier today when I had an asthma attack brought on by the flu. I know that not everyone has access to medicine or support when they are ill. I truly believe that safe and affordable healthcare for all is a right and not a privilege. It is something I firmly believe that we need to support for everyone. With that said, there were also several highlights for my week. I photographed a lovely wedding last weekend and I also have a job that cares more about keeping their employees safe and healthy than making them come into work. I know that not everyone is that fortunate and this time of year we must all do what we can to prevent spreading our illnesses to others.

This week I learned that it is possible to have a mild flu. In fact, it is so common, that people often mistake the flu as a non serious cold and continue to go out and about spreading the illness to others who might have a more severe reaction. Although the flu is most often known for causing fever and chills along with muscle aches, head aches, runny noses, and coughing, it is possible to not have all of those symptoms. Matthew had a very severe reaction to the flu, but my case appeared much more mild in comparison. If you’re feeling extremely fatigued and out of breathe with aches and some minor discomfort, it could still be the flu even without the fever and other ailments. The most common indicator of the flu over the common cold is muscle/joint aches and fatigue. So if you feel that it’s “not that bad,” don’t play it tough; stay home and keep others safe. Without further ado:

The little things that brought joy into my life this week:

My new (refurbished) Olympus 35mm film camera arrived in the mail yesterday.

I researched for months thinking about a simple 35mm film camera to bring along on my travels this year. I already own a wonderful 35mm film SLR, but I was looking for something much smaller, lighter, and simpler to bring along as a fun camera for travels and daily activities. The lighting in New England, especially this time of year, is not always beautiful for film photography, but I really missed the art of simply capturing people, places, and things I like and the mystery of wondering how it came out. The chance for “artsy” mistakes and unique effects is also fun for me. Obviously, if I need the perfect shot, I have that covered with my Fujifilm X Pro 3, but this camera and I are going to be making a lot of memories together. I’ll share more about it on the blog next week.

This humidifier.

I’m so thankful my husband bought this gaudy thing. I’m not a big fan of ugly electronics and contraptions in my home, but this has been a life saver this winter, especially now that we’re both overcoming the flu. The dry and cold air has really effected my breathing and this helps at night so much.

This fella right here.

Matthew was so sick all week. I’m so thankful he is feeling better today and is back to work. He even came home today on his break to bring me lunch. The little kindnesses really do add up the most in a relationship.

This Sleepytime sinus soother.

I truly love tea, but this has helped my poor throat so much today.

Badger Eucalyptus & Mint Chest Rub.

Not only does this work magic and is all organic, it smells heavenly too. My mom always lathered Vick’s on my throat when I was sick as a kid and although the smell is nostalgic in a way, this is so much nicer. -And it works 100% better too.

My new joggers.

Not pictured here because I’m a sick sad mess, but I’ve been living in my new jogging outfit all week. It’s one of those old fashioned 90’s thick jogging pants with a matching sweater. I was tired of being cold at home all the time and I broke down and bought a pair two weeks ago. I’m so thankful I did now because they’ve been so warm and comfy all week long.

In The Moment Magazine.

I adore this magazine for it’s positive and uplifting articles, photos, and illustrations. It is a British magazine, so I always get it a bit behind season, but I adore every article I read.


What little things do you appreciate this week?


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