The Little Things No. 40

The last Friday of every month I like to reflect on the past four weeks and appreciate the little things. I truly believe that gratitude is one of our greatest gifts and helps us find happiness in the every day. Previously, I shared a “The Little Things” post at the end of every week, but I felt that a monthly reflection was better for my readers and it also made me see the entire month as a whole for all the good that it was.

Dear friends,

I hope that the start of your summer was something special, especially after last year. June has been a beautiful, and also a sad month for me. Matthew and I celebrated his graduation with a road trip out west to Utah and Colorado. We saw some truly incredible things and while we were there Matthew also got a job offer over the phone. He had done a few interviews before we left and this call was a welcome surprise. He started the new job (working as an electrical engineer for a renewable energy company) last week and although it has been an adjustment, Matthew already feels better about his work and is following his dreams. I’m so proud of him.

When I returned I did an engagement shoot for an old elementary school friend and I’m jumping into my summer engagement and wedding season. It is here so fast! To be honest, after a year of nothing much, everything seems to be piling on fast. I’m feeling overwhelmed, but I guess it is a good overwhelmed. I’m such an introvert, but its all good things.

I have also been focusing on my vegetable garden and taking walks. I had a bad case of whip lash from a recent go carting accident and I’m starting to feel better. I also had the unfortunate news that my uncle had passed away. We haven’t been super close in recent years, but we often stayed in touch and he was always the “fun uncle” when I was a kid. Uncle Randy was called “Uncle Cookie” because he always brought me cookies and treats as a kid and made the best Cookie Monster voice. There was not a funeral, so I don’t feel much closure at the moment. It is like my mind hasn’t recognized that he is really gone. I hope that if you have suffered a loss this year that you are taking in all of the little things and celebrating the good. There is so much sadness in life, but so much beauty too. This month I am doing my best to slow down where I can as the rest of the world speeds up.

These are the little things I appreciate this month.


Our adventures out west.

Feeling like I was living a real Indiana Jones movie.

My grandfather would have loved this place. He was so obsessed with old western films and we watched them together all of the time. I have been thinking a lot about him lately.

We learned a lot about Jeep culture on our trip. A person in another Jeep in Colorado passed us a robber ducky with a #duckduckjeep hashtag as we drove past them. We ended up passing on the duck to another family in a Jeep at the border of Utah.

The start of summer picnic season. Even though our first picnic had a lot of snow in the mountains, it was still pretty warm.

We didn’t plan this moment! There was a hot air balloon festival going on in Telluride while we were there. Talk about perfect timing.

This little boy selling rocks at the train station in Silverton.

A quick appreciation for this denim jacket that I added fringe to myself. I got a lot of laughs, but it really makes the photo stand out plus my DIY fringe jacket blog post is my most popular post ever.

Where Forest Gump ended his run in the movie.

Getting into reading again. I haven’t been able to concentrate on books since the pandemic and it feels good to be reading again.

A sneak peak of the engagement session we did when I returned home. We ended the night at the local lake.

Been kayaking twice with my dad since returning home.

This organic sunscreen serum with vitamin E by Timeless Organics.

The Mountain Laurel was out for a short while. It is the Connecticut state flower.

This little girl caught a bat in our home library when Matthew was away for the weekend! She is ok (and so is the bat) but I had to bring her to the emergency vet for a rabies booster.

Went to the movies for the first time in a year and saw In The Heights! It was incredible.

Our friends came over the weekend before Matthew’s new job. We went for a fun bike ride together and also went shopping for Matthew work clothes wardrobe.

More kayaking on Father’s Day. This was several days before my Uncle Cookie passed away. It was such a wonderful day and I never imagined life would change again and my uncle would be gone.

My dad jumping in. He loved paddling on his paddle board as we’re in the kayak.

Summer after work walks.

The first salad harvested from our garden! This was my first year growing lettuce and it is so much easier than I imagined. I’ll definitely grow lettuce again.

It has been scorching hot and we do not have AC. Madeleine is pictured here playing in front of the fan to cool off.

Went shopping for a Mamma Mia photo shoot. This was the last day of spending money this summer as I just started my fourth annual No Spend Summer on July first.

I hope that you all had a lovely June and a are looking forward to an amazing Independence Day weekend.


With appreciation,



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