The Little Things No. 42

The last Friday of every month I like to reflect on the past four weeks and appreciate the little things. I truly believe that gratitude is one of our greatest gifts and helps us find happiness in the every day.


Dear friends,

I didn’t make a Little Things post last month and I owe you an apology for missing it as well as for the delay for September’s post. August was the start of my wedding photography season (I am a wedding photographer and so very grateful that weddings are finally happening again!) and I have also had a lot going on.

I wish I could just say I’m feeling overwhelmed because I’m photographing weddings on the weekends, other photo shoots during the week all while working Monday-Friday at the office where I am a secretary, but that isn’t the full story. My husband and I have both been feeling financial stress lately. It’s only temporary and it is already getting a little better, but it is stressful. On top of that, I have a lot going on within my immediate family and estrangements hurt, even when you know that the distance is good for you. The past few months my anxiety has come back and with it a depression. So much so that work has noticed that I am not engaged or invested in my work. I blamed it on the wedding load, but the truth is that depression is what I am struggling with the most. It has been hard to function and even hard to do simple daily tasks. That is why I missed last month’s post.

I am a very private person, but I feel that I need to be honest here because so many of us are struggling. As a professional photographer, I know how easy it is to present a perfect image while the behind the scenes is far less happy. Photos often look happy, especially because we only photograph our happiest moments. So if you are struggling this month, know that you are not alone. My husband and I talked out a plan to improve our moods and relieve some stress. We’re focusing on cleaning up our apartment, exercising frequently, and focusing on our self care to refill our depleted cups. Last night I spoke with a new therapist. I’m working on getting back to good. And it is working out for the best, slowly bust surely.

All that being said, I am thankful. I’m a little sad that summer is over already, but looking forward to fall. There is so much to be grateful for and sometimes I just need a little reminder. I hope this post serves as a little reminder for you too.

These are the little things I am grateful for this month.



Matthew and I have gone on so many walks these past few months. This gorgeous trail is down the road behind the house we are renting. It feels like we are in a jungle.

I also made my first sale as an ambassador for Timeless Organics. I became a brand ambassador for them last month and it was an honor as it is a skincare company that I deeply admire and I use their products every day. I’ve only made one sale, but I still take it as a success because it puts me one step closer to building up my blog as a small business. If you’re interested in learning more about Timeless organics you can use my 20% discount code LiveLovely here. 

I’ve done a lot of soul searching lately. So much has changed and I have been forced to look deeper into my past to discover what is holding me back. I feel like I’m finding more of myself in the process. I am learning to be myself again. Be kind to yourself.

I have also committed to one creative photo shoot a week for my blog or Instagram. I’m not the best in front of the camera. I’m definitely more used to being behind it. And I get really shy and self conscious when there are other people around. It’s something I’m working on so I’ve been taking my tripod out for a mini photo shoot every single week to get in more practice. I won’t be able to edit them all until after my wedding season is done, but I have been editing a few to share while I work on my wedding photography. Still, it feels good to get creative and I’m building confidence.

I  photographed an engagement session at the same park I was married in. It was so nice to return for another happy occasion.

I am so thankful for @WeTheUrban on Instagram. Their daily posts are not only encouraging, but they speak the hard truths that I need to hear.

Now that I am in my thirties I’ve been working on my skincare routine and updating it with more antioxidants. I’m thankful I finally found organic products that I love and trust.

Discovering new local places.

Fair season is back again.

Autumn farm stores are opening up.

Quality time with my cat Madeleine. She usually makes my Little Things posts. This time it is because I was laying on my bed and she thought it would be a great idea to stand on my back and it made me laugh.

This beautiful flower bridge in Massachusetts.

All the weddings I have been photographing lately! I was so sad that covid shut down weddings and they’re finally back again. I have so much availability for next year so if you know anyone in New England and beyond getting married I do travel for weddings and I would appreciate the referral so much. The wedding season this year started with my good friends Ben and Courtney.

So many beautiful engagements and weddings.

So much photo editing! this is the hardest part. And I often go through a love-hate relationship with my photography during the editing process. But it is also empowering and it makes me feel good about what I do. I love photographing weddings. I am so so thankful. And Madeleine makes the best editing buddy. She is always at least a foot nearby at all times unless she is eating.

More country fairs. This time with people I love.

This old painting I found at my mom’s house of my cat Mister. He passed away three years ago and I still miss him so much. I painted this portrait when I was fifteen. Not bad. I think I am going to frame it and hang it in our apartment. If only I could find a frame big enough on a budget. I’ve been keeping out an eye for one at a Goodwill that I can paint a golden color to frame it.

 Madeleine sleeps here so she can keep an eye on me.

  I got my library card this month and I couldn’t be happier to be back in a library. It is in walking distance of home, but I rode my bike…

And over filled my basket so much that it was weighed down and rubbing against the tires… oops.

My family is gathering outside for picnics again. We’re all vaccinated and doing well. I got to play cards with my cousins the other week and I learned a new game.

We also spent a weekend in Pennsylvania on a trip with our grandmother who was visit from Florida. I really missed my cousins and aunts this past year.

And I’ve been spending more time reading and more time outdoors. Preferably at the same time!

Sunrise walks close to home. It is a blessing to live in the country.

And more creative photo shoots. This one was based on the 2005 film of Pride and Prejudice. I was so tired and chilly, but it was fun.

What are the little things you are thankful for this month?




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