The Little Things No. 43

The last Friday of every month I like to reflect on the past four weeks and appreciate the little things. I truly believe that gratitude is one of our greatest gifts and helps us find happiness in the every day.


Dear friends,

This really has been the greatest month. Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables says it best; “I’m so glad that I live in a world where there are Octobers.” This month I finished photographing my final wedding of the season (so much editing to do!) and it was an incredible and intimate backyard wedding. It really was the best way to complete my 2021 wedding season. I am also booking 2022 weddings. (And even one for 2023!)

This month has been a busy one, but we have found so much time to slow down and take in Autumn. The foliage has been so odd this year. Some trees changed early and the trees are bare in patches while others have changed very slowly and there is still a lot of green. I actually like the prolonged and unexpected foliage this year. We went on a car camping trip to New Hampshire, a day drive through Vermont, I photographed a collaborative photo shoot with Mystic Pizza, and found some quiet time in between.


This month, the little things I am grateful for are:



Random day drives.

We found this incredible used bookstore on accident while stopping at that kitschy deli.

I really need to come back here.

A maple creamy from Woodstock Scoops.

Dorset Vermont. My father grew up outside of this town.

Exploring Woodstock.

Recreating Mystic Pizza movie scenes. I still have to finish editing this photo shoot!

The “cheese calzone” is my absolute favorite.

My grandmother came to Connecticut for a visit! We were also able to celebrate her 82nd birthday while she was here.

Making new friends! -Especially making new friends who like to stop for photos as much as we do.

Morning autumnal hikes.

Car camping with Matthew.

Matthew’s Aunt Dawn could not make it to our wedding for health problems. We were happy to visit her while driving through New Hampshire.

Spooky early morning photo shoots.

The end of my wedding season.

You can visit my wedding website, to see more of my wedding photography.

The last of my garden’s harvest.

Spooky season in our new hometown.

My photo editing partner in crime; Madeleine.

Evening walks down the road from home.

Cozy tea after photographing a full wedding day.

Peaceful mornings. I know my kitchen is a mess. (We need to build shelves for our pantry). But I’m so happy in this room.

The ivy plants in our bathroom.

More autumn walks.

Local farm stands.

Autumnal teas.

This sweet girl.

Decorated our front porch for fall.

This afternoon light.

More evening walks with a good book.

Fall makeup colors.

This book.

Free books.

A Hocus Pocus party with friends. My friend Kassondra hosted the party and made this cute “book” brownies based on the film.

Cozy home cooked meals.

Autumn mornings.


What are you grateful for this month?






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