The Spring Cleaning Series | Week One

Forgive me for posting week one of the Spring Cleaning Series a little late. I unfortunately caught a cold and pretty much kept offline all day yesterday. Today the sun is shining and I’m feeling brighter so I couldn’t think of anything better to do than kickstart the Spring Cleaning Series with you. 

Week one is all about your bedroom. There are several reasons why I think you should start here; your bedroom is usually the most personal room of your whole home so starting here can be the most challenging, however, it will also give you great motivation for moving onto the next room. Tackling large tasks can help you get through the smaller ones or face other challenges during your Spring cleaning. You will also feel the effects with a better morning and better night’s sleep as a result. My thought is that if you can clean your bedroom, then you can pretty much complete any cleaning task. 

You do not need to do it all in a day. Break it down to daily or for every other day tasks. I feel that taking a whole week to complete this task is a good idea because it will give you the time to be thorough. 

I feel that this post is a bit repetitive as I recently made a post for kickstarting your Spring Cleaning here. Before thinking of creating a Spring Cleaning Series, I made this post to encourage your own Spring cleaning tasks. I highly recommend reading the post because it goes in depth to each step for a clean bedroom. Therefore, I will not be sharing step by step guides in this post. Instead, I will be sharing ideas to help bring organization and cleanliness to your bedroom, especially after you have completed the steps in the other post. These are my top tips for creating a calm and beautiful bedroom space. 

Tip One: Make your bed every morning. It’s quick, and has a huge impact on the look of your room. If you only have time for one cleaning task every morning make it this one. It will feel good going to bed at night in a tidy bed. 

Tip Two: My favorite tip for every room in your home is to keep surfaces clear. All tables, desks, window sills, dressers, nightstands, bookcases, and even the surface of your floor. The less clutter to distract the eye, the cleaner and bigger your room will appear. 

Tip Three: Hide ugly blinds with an affordable curtain. All you need is an inexpensive tension rode and the right sized curtains (preferably in a light and neutral shade) to offset unsightly window blinds and brighten up your room.

Tip Four: Use the Marie Kondo folding method to make more room in your dresser drawers and help you locate what you need. To do this, fold your clothing into even squares and place in the drawers standing up like a “filing” method. If you’re having trouble figuring it out, check out this youtube video that shows the method. This method is effective and I have been using it for about four years now with amazing results. An added bonus is that it gives you extra space for more clothing and helps prevent wrinkles. 

Tip Five: I have applied the folding method for dressers to my purse storage. I don’t have a lot of bags, but they all fit nicely placed upright in a basket. I have all my handbags filed neatly in a row. When I need to switch my purse out, I take one out of the basket and place the previously used (and cleaned out) purse in its place. 

Tip Six: Shoes can be hard to keep organized in a small space. I do not have enough room for shelving in our closet so I use baskets to store my shoes upright. My nicest shoes are on the few shelves that I own to keep them from being squished. 

Tip Seven: Add a plant. It freshens up the room, uplifts your mood, and cleans the air. If you have pets, research beforehand to make sure you don’t bring a toxic plant into your home. 

Tip Eight: Utilize your under bed storage. Keep clutter out of the way by finding boxes that fit under your bed so that you can organize important, but less used items under your bed. You can store tools, art or hobby supplies, camera gear, or out of season clothing under your bed. 

Tip Nine: Invest in blankets that you love. Being warm, comfortable, and cozy is so essential for a good nights sleep. If your sheets are getting shabby it is time to update them. Switch out your top blanket or duvet cover between seasons. Usually, lighter and neutral shades are best for brightening up a small and dark bedroom. I used to be afraid of white sheets and blankets, but they’re actually easy to wash and they need to be replaced just a soften as colorful blankets do anyway. Remember I said that having a tidy bed has the largest impact on your bedroom? Having worn down and fraying blankets is a quick way to bring down the appearance of the room. 

Tip Ten: Lighting has a big impact on your bedroom space. I like to keep the lighting lower and warmer in the bedroom to create a cozy environment for sleep. I use warm slightly yellow toned LED lights under a nice lampshade by the bed. I have another brighter light on my dresser for when I need brighter lighting to put away clothes at night. You want the lighting to create a comfortable mood for rest and relaxation. Also make sure that all of your lightbulbs match so you do not have multiple color temperatures mixing up the flow of the room. 


What are your best bedroom tidying tips and tricks? Please write them in the comments below. 


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