The Spring Cleaning Series With Live Lovely

I started my journey into blogging at a time when I made changes to my entire life and lifestyle; I quit a toxic job, moved to a new tiny apartment, started my blogging career, and adopted many minimalist and simple living methods into my life. At the same time I was preparing for my wedding day, working on my mental health and wellbeing, and focusing on my relationships and boundaries. Some of the best lessons I learned were in slowing down, simplifying my life, and practicing appreciation. Nothing says all three quite like the start of Spring, and with it Spring cleaning. 

It has been a long winter and it is finally getting warm enough during parts of the day to crack open the windows and let the fresh air in. Cleaning has a healing power. The act of cleaning not only helps us take our minds off of things and keeps us moving, it also aids us in our ability to appreciate what we have. Everyone has their ups and downs and it can also impact our homes. I have found that my mental state is often reflected around me in the physical state of my home. Yet, I have also learned that by creating a clean and calming space, it can also calm my mind. After coming back up from a very low several months, I am proud to announce my Spring Cleaning Series starting next week. 

Each week focuses on a different room. Week one starts with the bedroom(s), week two focuses on the kitchen, week three is a deep clean of the bathroom(s), and week four is for the living room and shared spaces. I will not just be sharing tips and inspiration to aid your Spring cleaning efforts, I will actively be Spring cleaning alongside you. This series is just as much a benefit for me as I hope it is for you! Nothing says a fresh start quite like a clean home. 

Check in every Monday for updates as I post my weekly goals and best tips for helping you get there too. 

If there is anything specific you want to know about for the upcoming series or any particular part of your home you need help with, please send me your suggestions in the comments below. 



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