Tuesday Tea | Accepting Slowness

I took out my daffodil vintage tea cup for the occasion of springtime tea. I realize that it has been far too long since my last Tuesday Tea post. Once or twice a month I do my best to share a Tuesday Tea post, a blog series where I share thoughts on wellbeing and simple living over a cup of tea. Pour yourself a nice cup of tea (or coffee or even cocoa if you prefer) and settle in for a little discussion about giving ourselves permission to simply be. Today’s topic is about accepting slowness to bring joy and wellbeing into our lives.

Currently, most of us are finding ourselves in a new world of slowness or staying home. Like me, you might not have realized how much time you spend on planning, organizing, and doing until you no longer have anything you have to do. Some of my friends have felt trapped at home, bored, anxious, scared, or restless. Many of us are going though a mix of emotions, which is perfectly natural and ok. But now that we have eased into our new routines, I have found that many of us are also enjoying the simple act of being. I haven’t had a day where I wasn’t expected to do something or be somewhere since I was a kid. All of my attention after graduating college has been on the “hustle” for my career, for doing my best to succeed in my chosen profession, and to meet the needs and expectations for countless events, family gatherings, appointments, holidays, etc. All of a sudden, none of that matters. I can simply exist, take a deep breath, and learn to live with myself.

It was difficult at first, especially being alone with my feelings that my daily tasks and job do a good job of keeping me distracted from. Yet now, I am actually finding it to be a blessing. While I am disappointed that certain trips have ben postponed, worried about the health of my loved ones, and in some ways crushed that my business (that had been the most booked in my career) is now completely on hold, I am also finding joy in the simple and mundane aspects of my life again. I don’t have to constantly be marketing myself and my business. I don’t have to run countless errands, make appointments, prepare for consultations, or run out to numerous events and gatherings. I can now slow down and enjoy my tea for the sake of tea. I can wake up when I want to, make more time to talk to my friends, and simply be myself. I’m not exhausted after a day of work so cooking a healthy meal for my husband and I no longer feels like a tiring chore. I’m enjoying cooking and baking and eating again.

I’m feeling well rested and creative. I can spend a whole day reading a good book, making something, writing letters, watching classic films, going for long walks or picnics (by myself and social distancing), and so much more. I now have time for myself, for taking care of my health, and for cleaning my home. Yes, I cannot wait to be able to live my life without worried of illness for myself and others and I look forward to being able to travel again, enjoy my favorite tea houses, and pop into bookshops again. Yet, I’m accepting this new season of slowness. I never realized how much my mind and body needed this break.

Yes, there are many things to feel worried about. Our world is in a global health crisis and many people are also suffering finacial hardships. But at this time there is nothing we can do for it, except to practice patience and acceptance for our current situation, to live with it in harmony, and to practice gratitude and kindness.


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