Tuesday Tea: Quinquennium Goals

“How we spend our days, is of course, how we spend our lives.” -Annie Dillard

Good morning! The new year is quickly approaching, but this year I have made an active decision to simplify instead of overwhelm in the holiday commotion.

Sometimes I feel trapped in my life and I feel that I am always watching as life passes by, like I am always looking out a window. Sometimes anxious like a caged animal at the zoo looking through the glass, or passive like a passenger in a bus looking out the window, or even the still and quiet moment of looking out my bedroom window as a daydreamer.

I don’t want to be the girl who is always looking out the window anymore. I want to be in the scene that I am looking at, but not carried away by it.

This holiday season I have cut out the extra noise, finished important tasks early, skipped the tasks I did not need to do, and took the time to be present in the moment of the season. It passes by so quickly and I won’t be watching it all go by as a bystander, but as an active participant full of energy and happiness. I hope that you can do the same.

This week I learned a new word: quinquennium. (My spellcheck doesn’t even recognize it.) It is a fun and fancy word, but I promise that it simply means “a period of five years,” according to my dictionary.

When I think of five years I am instantly reminded of five year goals that came into conversation in numerous college classes in the past.

The funny thing about five year goals is that they change every single year. At least, I believe revision to be a good thing. My problem is that I try to accomplish too many goals so several of them always get pushed back a year or two.

From now on I am planning to choose no more than three major goals a year. Anything else accomplished is a bonus, not a demand on myself. I am still thinking of my new year resolutions.

What are your five year goals?

All goals are subject to change, but for now they are motivation to reach for the stars!

Never give up on your day dreams.



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