Twelve Things I Learned From My “Week of Happy” | Negativity Detox | Live Lovely

A week ago I embarked on a personal experiment to only surround myself with the people, places, and activities that make me happy. In other words, a complete negativity detox. No sad or adrenaline filled movies, books, news, social media, or events. Unplugged time at home. More time out in nature. Less time doing things that had a poor effect on my mental health and more time appreciating things that I love.  It came after several weeks of feeling really low. I have so much to be thankful for, but there are numerous events in my personal life that were taking its toll and I knew I had to do something about the way I was feeling. During that time I focused on the positive to help me push out the negative. I hope that my revelations may help you do the same. 

These are the twelve things I learned during my week-long negativity detox: 



I have the power to change the way I feel. I was feeling really badly the other week due to a collection of unfortunate events, and although bad things do happen and they have a profound impact on our mood and daily life, I also have the power to pull through those difficult times and to find happiness or at least contentment every day despite it. 


Time in nature is essential. I needed more time for outdoor exploration and play. I did not realize how separated I was from nature recently until I took a long walk in the woods. The positive impact was immediate. I also felt healthier and lighter than I have in days just from going for a walk.


It is not realistic to be happy all of the time. Life happens and with is comes difficulties and sorrow. I shouldn’t put pressure on myself to “feel happy” every day. Its ok to feel sad and to truly live with that feeling. But it isn’t healthy if the despair takes over your entire life either. 


I can limit the bad that enters into my life by filtering what I expose myself to. I’m an adult that can filter and manage my own time. 


A digital detox is necessary to a happy and fulfilling lifestyle. We’re bombarded with digital noise. Detoxing for a time every day and every week is so important to our mental health, even if you don’t waste time on negative apps. 


I’m not doing enough on a daily basis to ensure my mental well-being. This is something that requires maintenance. 


I am not responsible for other peoples problems and choices. Say it with me; “I am not responsible for other peoples problems and choices.”


I need more time to grieve. My cat passed away less than a month ago and he has been a daily part of my life more more than half of my lifetime. I need to give myself more time to feel sad about his loss. 


The state of my home is a direct representation for how I am feeling. My bedroom and living room are cluttered and unorganized at the moment because thats how I’ve been feeling. It has been hard mustering up the energy to clean when I’m feeling bad. But now that I’m in a healthier mindset I have noticed its looking cleaner and brighter. 


A good morning creates a good day. When the morning goes well the rest of the day falls into place. If I get a bad start I’m already going into the day stressed out and overwhelmed. 


I missed family dinners and conversation at night without distractions from the outside world. Matthew and I will be making a dining area in our tiny studio apartment. Some place we can have dinner without the distractions of our television or our phones. 


A good nights rest is a good way to cure sadness. Our minds need sleep to heal. 


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