Why Hair Care Is Self Care

I fully believe that hair care is self care. In times of extreme stress or emotional turmoil, our hair often pays the price. Stress has a profound impact on our bodies, and it shows in our hair. Did you know that the effects of trauma can be seen in our hair under a microscope? Yes, those stress chemicals show up in our hair. It also makes our hair brittle and even causes hair loss in extreme cases. And when we’re not taking care of ourselves our hair often pays the price from a poor diet or even bad hygiene during depression. When we’re not washing our hair and scalp regularly (at least once every 1-3 days) it causes oils, skin cells, and dirt to accumulate on our scalps causing all sorts of hair conditions, dryness, itching, and hair loss when our hair follicles are continuously clogged. Which are all reason why I believe that hair care is vital for self care.

When we take care of our hair and scalp, we’re doing more than taking care of our hygiene and our bodies; we’re taking care of our wellbeing and treating ourselves with compassion and love.

After a very stressful situation that developed into anxiety and depression, going back to basics to take care of myself was the first step in healing my life. I focused on eating healthy foods, getting plenty of rest and exercise, and making sure I showered every other day. I gave my body the rest and care that it desperately needed. When you’re going through a difficult time in your life, sometimes something so simple as washing can feel like a difficult task. I started taking warm baths to deal with the stress and to take care of my body at the same time. I took care of my scalp and hair with Just Nutritive Grow New Hair Shampoo, Hair Therapy Conditioner, and Grow New Hair scalp serum.

It has been a year and a half of using Just Nutritive and I am happy to say that Just Nutritive is my only hair care self care ritual. Before using Just Nutritive my hair was not healthy and the stress I was going through combined with my anxiety and depression was creating hair loss along my scalp, behind my ears, at the base of my neck, and I was missing a chunk of hair on the back of my head. With proper scalp cleansing and using the Grow New Hair serum a couple times a week, I was able to grow my hair back healthier than before. I will share a link to Just Nutritive [click here] for your convenience, but this post is no way sponsored and the link shared is not an affiliate link. I am simply a devoted customer of Just Nutritive because their products really work and they are natural too.

I have been using and loving this product for a year and a half now and I could not be happier with the results, which is why I am sharing it with you. When buying products to use in my home and on my body, using natural products is very important to me because it is better for my health and the health of the environment. I am thankful to have found a hair product line that not only works, but is natural as well. I love the earthy scent of these hair products and the creaminess of the conditioner. The price may seem expensive to some at first, but I assure you that the value is really there. There is a lot of product in each bottle and mine have lasted a very long time, even when being used on a regular basis.

I love the earthy way Just Nutritive smells. The scent always transports me to the outdoors.

I apply the grow new hair serum directly to my scalp using a dropper and I massage it into my scalp. It has an added bonus of hydrating my scalp and preventing dryness and even dandruff in the winter months or after many days swimming in the summer. I usually apply it just twice a week before bed on nights before I wash my hair. As it is oily, I do find that I need to shampoo twice the morning after to remove the excess oils from my hair. You can also use Just Nutritive’s Vinegar Hair Rinse the morning after using the scalp serum to clarify your hair.

Properly cleansing your scalp is not just good for your skin, but also stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. Taking care of yourself starts with taking care of your body from head to toe. Self care isn’t just relaxing on a stressful day, getting exercise, or meditating. It begins with caring for our bodies and I truly believe that starts from the top; with our haircare rituals.


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