Why I Am Converting To Fujifilm | Live Lovely Photography

I took the leap and converted to the Fujifilm X Pro 2!

When I first started my journey into professional photography I used a 35mm film Canon Rebel. When I went digital, it was no surprise that I transferred to a digital version of that Canon. After graduating college I became a Nikon photographer with the amazing Nikon D600. I loved the sensor and how fast the camera was, where my Canon tended to lag sometimes. All of my cameras have served me well for the years that I enjoyed them and each one was right for me at the stage that I was in at the time.

I often tell people to master their camera, to appreciate it, and use it to the best of their ability, no matter what camera they have. The only time you want to change or upgrade your camera is if (or when) that camera is holding back your abilities. Once you know that camera so well and it is no longer serving you and it is blocking you from being able to progress, that is the only time to change. Cameras can be trendy. Don’t jump on the bandwagon and buy a camera simply because others have it or take amazing photos with it. Instead, upgrade to gear that works for you; your style, your budget, and your lifestyle. 

Which is why I am upgrading. My Nikon, which I do love in many ways, just is not the perfect fit for me and my photography anymore. It has served me well over the past six years (and will serve as a wonderful backup camera at the weddings I shoot), but it is time for me to try something new. When I started photography, I used film and I studied journalism. I miss the more direct ways of a film camera and the look of film, but I also love the reliability and instant feedback of digital. Now I do not have to choose between the two. Last autumn I purchased the Fujifilm X Pro 2, a mirrorless digital camera that looks, feels, and works like a film camera. It is everything I have ever wanted in a camera. I started with just one lens, but have now added a wide angle and 35 mm 1.4 lens for travel and portraits photography.  When holding that camera and working with it, it simply felt right, and I loved the images I have caught with it. 

DSLR cameras are great, but Fujifilm has mastered the mirrorless, a more light weight camera that works more intuitively, like the sturdy film cameras I first started out with. It is sharp and the focus is amazing. The quality is just as great as my Nikon, and in some ways even better. I put it through the test on my blog over the past few months and knew it is up to the task of capturing my honeymoon in June. It gave me all the features I wanted with the lightweight that was necessary for travel (and my tiny wrists!); I cannot go back. 

Which is why I am happy to introduce my new camera for not only travel and blogging, but for my wedding photography and portrait work as well. Back in the autumn I dabbled with it a little during some of the weddings I photographed, but it was not until I bought my new lenses that I knew I could create truly amazing images with it as my full-time camera. I recently bought two new lenses (one wide angle and one 35mm 1.4 portrait lens) to complete my set and I put them to the test at a recent engagement shoot. The images come out so crisp and sharp, but with colors and skin tones similar to that of lovely film photography. This camera even captures bright reds without blowing out the highlights. Take a look at some of my favorite images that I captured with the Fujifilm X Pro 2 from portraits and weddings, to travel photos, landscapes, detail shots, and night scenes. 

What I love about my Fujifilm camera: 

  • It is lightweight and small, making it kinder to my small wrists, easier on my shoulders when I carry it, and saves me plenty of space in my carry-on when I travel. It is not cumbersome to bring with me all day long. The perfect travel camera.
  • I love the digital viewfinder which lets me see what the photo will look like even before i take it. It took some getting used to, but I love this tool!
  • It is a versatile camera and works great in numerous photo situations from portraits to travel to landscapes and details. 
  • The focus button on the camera is very handy when I want to select a subject to focus on in the frame.
  • It is so sharp!
  • Fast shutter and auto focus.
  • It is not intimidating and allows me to get up close and personal with my subjects without a huge camera and lens getting in the way or making people nervous.
  • Photographs exceptionally well in low light situations with very little digital noise!
  • Captures highlights and vibrant colors (like bright red and neon shades) without blowing them out. 
  • Great details in the shades and darker colors. 
  • Works like a film camera! The ISO setting and shutter speed are right on the top of the camera and the aperture ring is right on the lens like a real film camera. 
  • Beautiful and smooth bokah when I open my aperture wide. 
  • Takes beautiful detail photos. 
  • Gorgeous soft skin tones. 
  • Great contrast, which translates well to black and white photography.
  • Works and looks just like a film camera, but with everything I adore about digital photography. 
  • It is cute! (Bonus!)

Some photographers have scoffed at the camera. It has mixed reviews online. It works for many, but does not work well for others. My best advice is to try cameras before buying them, rent or borrow from a friend, read reviews, and most of all know what you like and what works for you. I am fortunate to have found a camera that I not only enjoy working with, but also enjoy the images it creates. Your camera (and lenses) are a tool. Make them work for you. 


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