Year In Photos 2021

2021 was such a life changing year. Of course, nothing big or extraordinary actually happened, except we moved from one tiny studio apartment in Beacon Falls to an upper level house apartment forty minutes away in Litchfield. That one change had a ripple effect that brought joy to us the entire year through.

This year I truly did find happiness in the little things. My career did not take off this past year, the pandemic continued from the year before, we didn’t travel all that extensively, and most of our days and weekends were spent very close to home. What changed was the way that we feel. I continued my healing journey, spent more time out in nature, read more, crafted more, and learned to love myself just a little bit more than I have in the past.

All month long I have been sick so I haven’t blogged much at all, but I have been spending quite a bit of time self reflecting, wondering what in the world I was going to do next with my life, and lamenting the fact that I still haven’t figured it all out. But when you look back on photos of your year you see all the happy memories, the highlights, and all of the good that came out of it. We rarely photograph or share our saddest moments or our most difficult struggles. But looking upon all of the good certainly is another perspective that can show you that all of the struggle really is worth it.

I would like to share my 2021 with you in photos that meant something to me, starting with our move last January. I hope that you also get the chance to do the same and look after your own previous year.

We have learned so much about our new home and discovered so many incredible outdoor places to explore right outside our now front door.

I started crafting again, beginning with the curtains I made for our apartment bathroom.

We got a new president. I’m hoping our country can heal from the last one.

This year I have learned to love winter a little bit more.

Fell in love with the season of spring.

Matthew surprised me with a new bicycle.

I started flower pressing again. -One of my childhood hobbies.

I’m still reading the classic children’s literature I missed out on as a kid.

This past spring I started a garden.

I’m learning all about our local plants and flowers.

Matthew reached his goal! He graduated with a degree in electrical enhineering and I am so proud of his hard work and accomplishments.

I grew this:

Redecorating our rental kitchen with removable contact paper really brightened the room.

We went on a road trip adventure and saw some national parks.

Went blueberry picking for the very first time.

The smoke from the wildfires out west reached us here. It was eery and made the sky look red in the evening.

I became a Timeless Organics brand ambassador, which made me feel proud because it is a brand I truly love.

Went on an incredible birthday adventure with my dad, his girlfriend, and Matthew to celebrate my 31st.

Photographed my lovely friends Ben and Courtney for their engagement and their wedding this year.

One of my photos was published in Yankee.

Found room to breath and grow.

I started doing self portraits as a way to challenge myself as a photographer, a blogger, as well as to practice self love. I’m my harshest critic, but I’m learning to see beyond it.

I’m really proud of this engagement photo.

I feel like I really stepped up to the occasion this wedding season.

I got my library card.

I did the Mystic Pizza creative photo shoot collaboration of my dreams.

We did a lot of hikes around New England.

We went car camping again and loved every minute of it.

Made new friends.

I saw my grandmother twice this year. I’ve missed her.

I’m the adult child of an alcoholic. It has left some holes that have made me vulnerable to manipulation, emotional abuse, anxiety, and depression. I’m really proud of the ok I’ve been putting in to heal myself.

Walked around Boston with some friends and even saw Harvard for the first time.

More from the Mystic Pizza photo shoot:

I put together my first Thanksgiving cornucopia.

I also made this pie garland:

And we found ourself Christmas caroling for the very first time.

The annual Courtney Christmas Celebration with my friend Courtney.

I love my family so much.

Pushed myself more than I have before with my self portraits.

Had the best Christmas of my life with no drama.

I hope that you had a wonderful New Year. I’m wishing you the very best for 2022.


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