Year of Living Lovely: 2016 In Review

Living lovely is all about crafting a life that is designed to fit you. You will see a lot of blog posts and articles on the internet about happiness, success, minimalism, simplicity, and positive psychology, all promising to fix everything. But no on knows you better than you. 

Happiness, success, and even minimalism and simplicity looks very different to different people. Take the knowledge you learn and keep what is useful and inspiring for you. A Year of Living Lovely is your way to take what you love about life and apply it to yourself every day. 

My way is definitely not the only way, but I certainly hope my goals and shared wisdom inspire you to think more about how you want to live a happier, healthier, and simpler life starting right now. 

While having these awesome goals for ourselves is great, it is easy to think that we haven’t accomplished much already, that we still have far to go. “this year will be different,” we promise ourselves. And it will be, but I promise that 2016 wasn’t as bad as you think it was. There was plenty of good in there!

When we think about the bad we tend to minimize the good. Look back on 2016. Did you try something new? Explore a new place? Go on a trip or vacation? Move to a new home? Get a new job? Keep a roof over your head? Experienced art or created something? Accomplish a small goal? A big goal? Pay off a debt? Visit an old friend? Make a new friend? Made a new goal? Help someone in need? Create something beautiful? Is you said yes to one of these, you accomplished something good this year. 

Make a list of all the good things that have happened, big and small. It can be hard to start, but once you do it is say to gain momentum. Perhaps your car broke down on the side of the road, but a kind stranger stopped to help, you learned a new recipe that all your friends love, you adopted a new pet, or went for a run in a beautiful park. 

Here are the highlights of my 2016 in photography, business, travel, love, life, and my everyday world:

I photographed a destination wedding in Viequez, Puerto Rico.

Where I also happened to get engaged!

And a destination in Disney World right before Thanksgiving. 

Flew in the copilot seat in a small plane. 

Went on a kayaking and snorkeling adventure with Matthew in Puerto Rico. Kayaking is one of my favorite things to do in the world. 

Traveled to Canada by train and enjoyed every moment in the dome car. 

Explored Vieux-Montreal, Quebec.

Visited the botanical gardens in Washington DC. 

Photographed my friends Christina and Matt’s beautiful Maryland wedding. 

Discovered Newport Rhode island with Ian and Kassondra’s beautiful engagement. 

Then had even more fun photographing their gorgeous Wadsworth Mansion wedding. 

Made new friends!

Matthew and I booked our wedding venue at Harkness Memorial State Park. June 16, 2018!

I started shopping for my wedding dress.

My amazing cousin Ginger hosted an engagement party for us in her backyard. 

I started writing again and decided to become a lifestyle blogger along with my photography. My notebook comes with me everywhere. 

My friend Ben inited me to go out on his sailboat. Sailing is a life goal I checked off my list in 2016!

Watched the Washington Wizards play in DC and smiled at Matthew as he finally got the John Wall autograph that he has been trying to get for the past four years.

Discovered the book barn in Niantic, CT.

Photographed my sister Jennifer’s engagement at Lighthouse State Park. 

Spent more time with my cousins and family. 

Became an Auntie! (Twice this year!)

Was asked to be a bridesmaid in my sister Jennifer’s wedding as well as my cousin Karissa’s wedding. 

Started a side hustle as a book reviewer.

Made it out to Kent to look at the autumn leaves. 

Watched Rudolph fly in New York City. 

Nearly as many sad things happened this past year, however, all the sad moments just make the happy ones all the more beautiful. Once you finish your own list you may just feel the same. It was a good year after all. 

Coming soon: A look at the best wedding and engagement images of 2016. 


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