Building Your Support Network | Year of Living Lovely

Last night I had the loveliest outing with co-workers from my previous job. If you don’t know the story about why I quite my last job, you can find it here. Regardless of what happened, I worked with a great group of really amazing people that became good friends over the two years that I was there. I miss seeing them everyday and I am so happy that we still stay in touch and meet up from time-to-time. 

The people that you spend most of your time with, be it friends, family, or your work family, are the ones that have the most impact on your environmental happiness. The way others treat you and the way people impact your day, alters the way that you feel.  

Having a support network you can turn to during tough times as well as share great quality time during the good moments, is vital to our happiness. It does not have to be a large group when it comes to having strong human connections, but you will want to invest in the quality of your connections. 

When I was going through that difficult situation with a bully at work, I was so thankful to the other incredible people at the office. When I was first offered the job after temping there, it was them that I had looked forward to seeing every day. They were sad when I left, but were also so supportive of my big life changes. Ultimately, it was my support network within my family and my loving relationship that gave me the push I needed to make a change and leave. My fiance, most of all, wanted to see me in a happier and healthier environment. He encouraged me to see the bigger picture of a better life over good job benefits. 

As an introvert, I have a tendency to isolate myself when life gets busy, but making time for those that matter most has truly increased the quality of my life. 

What makes life so worth while is not things, but the experiences and the people that we share our precious time with.  

While going through that difficult time, it was my relationships with other people that brought me out of the darkness I was feeling and gave me hope for a better future. 

It motivated me to cut back on my work time in exchange to spend more time in my life focusing on what is truly important. I am so thankful to my fiance, my incredible support network of cousins, close friends, and my work family for being the building blocks in my support network. Like the great cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, the building may be strong and beautiful within, but it is only complete with the strength of the flying buttresses supporting its walls. So too should our strength come from within, with the additional support of outside sources. Both are imperative to a happy lifestyle. 

Your support network is the group of people that you turn to in not just hard times, but the good times too. They are the ones that you support and encourage on their own life journeys. They are your biggest cheerleaders. How do you cultivate your own support network? 

How do you know if someone is a part of that special network in your life? Ask yourself; who do you turn to in a time of need? If there were a few names that came up, then you already know who you look to for support. For the Year of Living Lovely Project, and for yourself, make sure you cultivate these relationships year round rather than in just times of desperation. Offer support of your own to someone in your circle who needs the extra support. Dedicate time to building these connections so that you will always have close relationships that you may rely on. 


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