The Little Things No. 1

Happy Friday, my friends! With the new blog up and running I have been thinking a lot about the kind of content I want to cover in 2020. Of course, I started this space to share my love for New England and simple living and wellbeing tips, which I will continue to do, however, I also wanted to bring more value to the blog. I wanted to share things that were meaningful, not just for me, but also for my readers. I want to bring more kindness, more compassion, more energy, and more gratitude to my life and my blog. With my word of the year being “self” as I work on building my self esteem, self care, and self compassion, I have been doing a lot of evaluating as well. I have had to ask myself, “who am I?” and “who do I want to be?”

These days, I’m feeling much more like myself. My anxiety is going away and my depression is lifting. With space comes clarity. I’m coming out of the fog (the fear, oppression, and gaslighting) and coming back into myself stronger than ever. My confidence is rising and I’m finding joy again, especially joy in the little things. I’m feeling like me again; waking up in the morning and feeling content for the first time in so long. I’m feeling lighter and more joyful.

I know who I am. I know what kind of person I want to be. I want to be more lighthearted, more appreciative, more kind, especially towards myself as I have found that my inner voice has been cruel to myself at times. I want to feel like myself again. I want to fill my life with love and gratitude. Every night before bed I write down three things that I am grateful for. But this week, I have decided that I want to share more of that appreciation and gratitude on the blog. I want to pull my blog out of the shadows where it has followed me to when I was feeling so much despair and sadness. I have numerous series on the blog, but nothing weekly. Making a post at the same time every week has sounded like a big task. In the past I was not sure if I could pull it off with how up in the air my schedule can be, but I want to push myself to try.

Which is why I want to share with you each Friday the little things that have brought me joy during the week. I want to end the week, each and every week, on a positive note. -Even if it is the only post I have made during the week. I’m feeling committed.

One of the things I love most about photography is that I use it to document the people, places, and things that I find beautiful, joyful, or meaningful. Photography makes you look at the world for the best light and the best moment. In other words, it teaches you to find the beauty in your surroundings. I’m going to go back to basics this year and take a whole lot more photos, photos of real moments and simplicity rather than strive for perfection. I’m going to use my photography to capture the people, places, and things that make me happy and share them each and every week.

I’ll share my simple list of joy and gratitude and I encourage you to look around you to find joy as well. Will you join me?

This Friday, and every Friday, I want to share with you the little things that have brought me joy each and every week. I hope that this practice strengthens my own sense of gratitude and inspires you to do the same.

Some weeks I might have only a few things to share and others I may have more. The quantity does not matter as long as I put appreciation into the practice.

The little things that brought me joy this week:


My new weekly yoga practice.

I go to weekly yoga every Thursday now. Sadly, I had to miss it for the first time yesterday because of another commitment, but it only went to show me how much the new practice is impacting my life for the better.

This new linen duvet cover.

This stuffed bunny.

I bought this bunny on a whim during our ski trip last weekend. It was so cute and so incredibly soft that I couldn’t resist. My friends also bought stuffed animals from the collection. I named mine “ski bunny” but Matthew refers to it as my “recovery bunny.” -Which is pretty much exactly what it is. This stuffed bunny brings me some comfort when I’m sad and has aided my healing process from some recent emotional trauma. The last time I actually bought a stuffed animal for myself was in 2007 when a family member was in rehab and I was feeling very sad and alone. Coincidentally, it was also a soft bunny that I named “hugs.” This little stuffed animal is so soft and sweet. I know it’s childish, but it had brought me a lot of gentle joy. Sometimes its ok to be silly.

This old portrait of my Nana.

My Nana passed away last summer and her 92nd birthday was earlier this week. My cousin Amy sent me this photo when we were planning her funeral. I obviously never knew her as a young woman, but finding these old photos is a treasure. I don’t have many photos of her from her past, but I also realize that many people don’t have any pictures of loved ones at all. I am so grateful.

This new blanket by Tide Hill Home (linked here).

I love blankets and the warmth, weight, and coziness of a good blanket makes me feel safe, loved, and warm.

This comfy cushion.

I started a daily meditation practice and I’m almost two weeks into it. I meditate once in the morning and once in the evening before bed every day. This cushion is the only thing making me get out of bed in the morning to commit to the routine. I’ve found having a comfy place to sit (and a cozy blanket) makes me more motivated to keep up with the new habit and daily practice.

These friends.

I met Mary Catherine and Robby (the cute matching couple to the right) a few years ago when I was their engagement and wedding photographer. We immediately became good friends and I am so thankful for them! It’s great to have people in your corner who are kind and fun to explore and travel with. Their friends Taylor and Chris came with us on a ski trip last weekend and they are so wonderful. Cheers to new friendships!

This 2020 Planner.

I love carrying around a planner to write down important dates and information. An online calendar just isn’t the same. This one reminds me that 2020 is going to be full of wonderful adventures.

Making snow angels.

I’m working on being more lighthearted this year and to shed my sadness. I haven’t made a snow angel in years and it made me laugh.

This old film photo.

It was one of the first photos I ever took when I was five years old. It’s a portrait of my little brother.

And this one from 2006.

I haven’t changed too much. This photo was taken before I saw the shark in the water. I wasn’t so zen as I frantically paddled back to shore.

This meditation app.

I love the Calm app for their gentle meditation soundscapes.

This messy book pile.

I promise that I have cleaned this messy nightstand and it is much more tidy right now. But how magnificent are books?! There is so much to be learned and gained by reading. I finished Good Morning, I Love You by Shauna Shapiro this week and it was so uplifting.

What little things are you grateful for this week?


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  • […] 2020 as a weekly round up and as a way to share the behind-the-scenes ordinary moments of my life. You can see my first Little Things post here. I’m a professional photographer so most of my blog posts looks a little polished, so I wanted to […]ReplyCancel

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